Submitted by hussien on Wed, 08/10/2022 - 04:05

A compression bandage or an elastic compression bandage is used for different health issues. These bandages are a common part of first aid box and are considered as the basic bandage.

These bandages are used temporarily for circulation and sprains. If there is a problem of blood clots formation and circulation issues, the use of this bandage could be long term.


What is a Compression bandage?

Compression bandage is a long stretchable cloth that is used for sprains and strains. Also known as Tensor bandage, this bandage apply a little pressure on the affected part and helps reduce swelling. Elastic sleeves are the same thing that can be pulled over to the affected part.

These bandages are not expensive but commonly available at drugstore and online at affordable rates.


When to Use a Compression Wrap?

Elastic compression bandages are used for several health issues such as:


  1. Blood Flow Issues

Individuals having circulation problems require ace bandages. These bandages improve blood circulation from feet to the heart.

The problem arises when there is difficulty in circulating the blood back to the heart from leg. In such case, the compression from this bandage helps and is great for the individuals with compression problems.


  1. Issues in Lymphatic System

Any issue in the lymphatic system can lead to the problems like leg ulcers and others. Varicose veins and venous leg ulcers are the issues which can be solved by using compression bandages. It works by putting pressure on the affected veins that forces the blood back to deep vein system.


  1. Ankle Injury

If you get a sprained ankle and your foot is swollen, compression bandage could be the best solution. A bandage can reduce the swelling and enhance the healing process.


  1. Lymphoedema

This is a condition that affects your circulatory system. It helps you manage the symptoms and ease swelling or distortion of your skin.

Other uses of compression bandages include muscle strains, contusions, and bruises.


How to Wrap the Elastic Compression Bandage?

Compression bandages are the best used for initial stage of injury. A patient can wear it longer until the swelling reduces.

Putting on an ace wrap is easy and can be done at home. The steps are quite same for all the body parts wrapping. Following given are the instructions of how to wrap a compression bandage.


  • Wrap a Sprained Ankle

First cut the ace bandage cloth in horseshoe shape with the thickness of one centimeter. Place the pad under the anklebone. It helps the fluid to pass to the hollow space of the ankle bone.

Roll up the elastic bandage if it is not rolled already. Hold the ankle at about 90 degrees and start wrapping from toe. Once reach at the ankle point, keep it taut with a light pull. Slowly start circling your way around the arch of the foot after the first wrap. Pull the bandage from the bottom of the toe to the top of the foot and wrap it around the ankle in circular direction. Now bring the bandage down over the top of foot and ankle in the figure eight pattern.

When reach at the ankle bone, wrap the bandage around the affected area of the ankle so that it stays in place under the ankle bone. Continue wrapping around the ankle and foot in a figure eight while moving around the heel and towards the calf.

The wrapping should be done from the entire foot from the base of the toes to about 10 centimeters above the ankle. The end of the ace bandage should be kept in place by the use of tape or clip fasteners.


  • Wrap a Wrist

Roll up the bandage if it isn’t rolled yet. Start from the base of the fingers, wrap the bandage around the hand a few times. Then start wrapping it around index finger and the thumb. Circle the bandage on the wrist several times, about 10 centimeters above the wrist. Keep the end protected with a tape of clip fasteners.


Points to Consider When Using an Ace Wrap

Here are a few key considerations that should be followed when using a compression bandage.andage. geon may require to use an elastic ocmpression antimeters above the wrist. s. s.  leg. eg. be long term.


  • Wrap the Injured Part

Make sure that before wrapping the bandage should be clean. Depending on the injury, there might be the need to change the bandage after every few weeks. It is suggested to lower the compression level once the swelling reduces.


  • Don’t Wrap it too Tight

As this ace bandage requires compression, a patient might feel uncomfortable with the new pressure. It is especially a little difficult to get used to it if the affected part of ankle or foot. Feeling a little extra pressure on the affected area is normal. But if the patient feels too much pressure along with a constant pain, it means that either the pressure is too much or the bandage is of the wrong size.

  • Level of Compression

For some wraps, there are already set level of compression. A patient can choose the light, moderate, high, or extra high pressure compression bandages. Consult to the health care professional to find the right fit of compression bandage level for the injury.


  • Four Layer technique

This technique often used on legs and feet. This common method includes the wrapping of the affected part in four layers of the bandage. The first layer is the loosest. Each layer gets tighter until the desired compression level is achieved.

This technique is especially helpful in improving the blood circulation and treating the ulcers.

When to Consult the Doctor?

If the elastic compression bandage is not properly wrapped, it might cause problems. Consult the health care professionals if find the following issues:

  • Feel numbness, tingling, or pain.
  • The toes and fingers turn into different color which shows blocked circulation.
  • The wrap is folded or wrinkled.
  • Wrap gets wet.
  • The wrap moves down or dislocates from the actual place.
  • Any fluid leakage from the affected area to the outside of the wrap.