Submitted by hussien on Tue, 11/08/2022 - 17:57
strongback wheelchair


One of the most popular assistive devices to boost mobility and improve the quality of life for those who have trouble walking is the wheelchair (e.g., a person with spinal cord injuries resulting in quadriplegia or paraplegia, muscular dystrophy, etc.). Wheelchair mobility provides an opportunity for school, employment, social interaction, and access to services like healthcare. In addition to improving mobility, the right wheelchair helps users maintain their physical health and quality of life by preventing common issues, including pressure sores, the progression of deformities, and deteriorating breathing and digestion.

Mobility aids are significant for elderly persons with mobility issues and those with a wide range of health disorders and impairments that affect mobility, such as amputation, arthritis, cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis, muscular dystrophy, spinal cord injury, spina bifida, and stroke. It has been demonstrated that assistive technology, such as So Lite ultra-lightweight Wheelchairs, has a major impact on the level of independence and involvement individuals with disabilities can attain when appropriate for the user and their surroundings. Additionally, this lessens the responsibility of providing care and is said to reduce the total requirement for official support services.

This is How the So Lite ultra-lightweight Wheelchair Improves the Quality of Life:


Physical activity has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease, non-insulin-dependent diabetes, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and numerous malignancies. An active lifestyle has also been linked to rewards for one's mental health. A suitable wheelchair allows users to move around, enabling them to engage in everyday physical activity as they go about their daily lives, boosting their overall levels of physical activity and day-to-day mobility. Additionally, it gives people the best chance at independence and the freedom to pursue their interests. It also increases comfort and encourages an active lifestyle, enabling people to move around their homes more readily.


The health of a wheelchair user can be enhanced in numerous ways. Increased levels of physical activity can be caused by a wheelchair that is practical, comfortable, and effectively propelled, which can benefit both physical and mental health. Pressure sores, the advancement of deformities or contractures, and other secondary conditions linked to poor postures can be decreased with the use of a well-fitted wheelchair with cushions and thorough user training. Proper postural support can also lead to additional advantages like enhanced head, trunk, upper extremity control, and general stability. When evaluating the quality of life, maintaining health is crucial. Together, these elements promote access to opportunities for employment, education, and family participation.


People can become separated from friends and family for various reasons, including difficulty walking and needing to lean on someone or grasp onto their elbow regularly. In contrast, they walk next to them with deteriorated balance and fear of falling. Increased activity can be produced by a wheelchair that is comfortable, effective, and functional. High physical capacity and independent movement can lessen reliance on others. Wheelchair users can become more independent and in charge of their own lives. People who are least uncomfortable while sitting are frequently more productive. The quality of life for users who can use their wheelchairs for long periods will be significantly improved since they will have more possibilities to participate in daily life with other household members.

Self-esteem and self-assurance

Self-esteem is a general assessment of one's self-concept or sense of personal worth and sufficiency. In people with disabilities, having high self-esteem has been linked to several positive health outcomes, including decreased depression and increased life satisfaction and well-being. It has been demonstrated that wheelchairs significantly impact participation and quality of life. When a wheelchair, which is frequently seen as an extension of the user's body, fits them and they can use it well, the user may feel more confident and have higher self-esteem. However, the chair's weight and dimensions impact the user's ability to move around the house and the community.

Quality of Living

Increased access to chances for employment, education, and community involvement are all benefits of maintaining good health. These elements also improve the quality of life for wheelchair users.

Community Life is Available

Wheelchair users' health and well-being, as well as the health of people with spinal cord injuries, are significantly impacted by their access to community life, which includes community participation. It has been demonstrated that this is critical in avoiding health degradation in people with spinal cord injuries. Moving outside the home and accessing the community is crucial for social involvement, participation, and many other positive health markers.

The ability to enter the community more easily and participate more actively in community life thanks to a suitable wheelchair includes:

  • Going to work or school.
  • Visiting friends.
  • Attending religious services.
  • Participating in other community events.

Additionally, because they make it easier to move around and carry out everyday tasks at home and in the community, the right wheelchairs impact a person's autonomy.


A wheelchair can frequently mean the difference between being an active participant and a passive receiver. The economy benefits when users have access to work and education options. Without a wheelchair, a person may remain isolated and burden the family and the country. With a wheelchair, a person can work and contribute to the family's income and the national economy. A wheelchair that is not sturdy will also cost more because frequent repairs, time away from work, and eventual wheelchair replacement are required. If wheelchairs last longer, providing them is more economical. Involving consumers in choosing their equipment and considering their long-term needs can also reduce costs.

Many users struggle to find pertinent information about their personal health concerns, how to avoid subsequent consequences, what rehabilitation programs are available, and what wheelchair options are available. Many people's first contact with any rehabilitation service is the So Lite ultra-lightweight Wheelchair. This emphasizes the quality of the user's lifestyle even more.
